and 125 16.6160 West (distal to the Rogue River Canyon fan apron).
this is in the location of Core RR0702-31PC (approx), collected in
2002. we have good 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profile data and can count the
turbidites in this seismic profile (since we have cores from this site
and have a good idea as to the thickness and depth of the larger
turbidites, which we can see in the seismic profile). we counted ~18
turbidites on the screen above what we suspect is the Holocene (based
on the cores we already have). awesome!!!
i am in the computer lab taking notes in the core station data sheet.
these notes will be essential in the future to work out any confusion
that may develop. (may = will)
it is really nice to have internet access!
i am no longer sea sick. the weather is perfect (albeit a little warm;
i am not complaining, just noticing,,, hahahaha). the seas are gentle.
good omen for the cruise. peace out...