Last Night on the R/V Tangaroa
We are in the throes of the last moments of our cruise. Our coring team started the day by describing our final core of the cruise, followed by a scrubbing of the shipping container we called our laboratory for the past two weeks. We packed up all the remaining samples and conducted a white glove test. All samples have been entered in to the proper databases for the officials from New Zealand that concern themselves with these matters. There is a very strict accountability for all samples collected while aboard the cruise and it is vitally important (perhaps litigiously) to have these databases and samples in perfect order.
We have been working diligently to prepare the cruise report and materials for a press release to be presented at NIWA tomorrow. Drs. Barnes and Howarth will be interviewed by the press following their presentations on the science. The cruise report summarizes the scope of this project, our preliminary findings, and potential future research prospects.
We initially set out to collect data in the hopes of developing an earthquake chronology for prehistoric subduction zone ruptures. To this end will require a number of collaborative efforts with a range of topics that will include sediment routing studies, provenance analyses, physical sedimentology studies, radiometric age analyses, and tephra studies (including chronology). While aboard the R/V Tangaroa, there was an earthquake with a magnitude of M 7.8 that triggered slip on multiple fault systems (at least 5 other faults have been documented to have ruptured to the surface). This earthquake series is interesting in many ways and I will write more on this later on my earthquake blog at earthjay.com. Needless to say, there was impetus to modify our science plans in response to this large earthquake. This was obvious to all on board. There was also interest from NIWA and GNS to respond
to the earthquake in some way.
For the earthquake response, we decided to collect additional cores to supplement cores that already existed and to supplement cores that we had planned to collect. We also decided to collect shallow seismic data and multibeam bathymetric data to search for submarine surface rupture of the fault(s) involved in this complex earthquake.
I will present some of our initial findings after our press release tomorrow. People with telepathic abilities may be able to tell what I will post about. People without telepathic abilities might also forecast what my post may include.
It has truly been a pleasure and an honor to be at sea with this fine science crew. I have learned lots from them and I hope this has been mutual. We have lots of work to do to in the next few years, but I look forward to this with enthusiasm. I include a photo of the science crew above, as well as a map showing the core sites for the 61 cores we collected. I will post the cruise report when it is completed.
For the map, I include several inset figures. In the upper left corner is a map showing the recent seismicity in this region as produced by Geonet and posted to Twitter. In the upper right corner is a map showing the general tectonic setting as presented by AGU on one of their blogs. In the lower right corner is a map prepared by GNS that shows (a) the InSAR based estimates of deformation, (b) the faults in the region, and (c) the areas that have been observed to have surface rupture. This GNS map was also posted to Twitter.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Here is one of the last sunsets of our voyage. What a wonderful voyage this has been.
I have not had as much time to post educational material about the cruise. I will try to write up some posts after I get back to the states to document the methods that we used on the cruise.
Today was a particularly exciting day. My day started with Drs. Jamie Howarth and Phil Barnes (chief scientist). As we started the shift, we got to see a multi-core that had just come aboard the ship. We also got to see a multi-core that had been collected prior to our arrival. Later we saw more MCs.
MCs are particularly revealing because the multi-corer rig is lowered to the sea floor and the cores gently fall into the sediment. An arm then moves into place beneath the core ends and traps the sediment in the core. If all works right, there is a little bit of water above the sediment so that we can collect and observe the sediment water interface. If this happens, we know that we are being able to observe all the sediment that was deposited (and not eroded) in the recent past. I also include a photo of the multi-corer.
In one channel core, we observed a deposit that we interpreted to be a turbidite that was silty sand at the base and fined upwards into a sandy silt. This turbidite was on top of some olive gray very fine sandy silt (the ubiquitous facies of hemipelagic sediment in our cores). Several dm below the turbidite was a second thinner muddy turbidite that we had also seen in other cores at this shallow stratigraphic depth. To note was that there was no oxidized sediment under the sandy turbidite.
In another MC, we found some muddy sediment overlying an oxidized layer of sediment. This ox layer has been observed in other MCs that were further from the earthquake. These ox layers are typically at the surface, unless something rapidly buries them.
Both of these cores appear to have a really young turbidite, possibly deposited "yesterday."
We will continue to collect more cores in an attempt to narrow down some details about this deposit and to increase the number of observations of this deposit.
Needless to say, we have more to say, but we will keep that to ourselves until we have more data and have submitted a paper draft to a journal (in the coming month or so). Today was most exciting and the science crew is very enthused at what we are observing while here on the R/V Tangaroa. This, plus the great views of the sunset as seen in the above photo.
Here is one of the last sunsets of our voyage. What a wonderful voyage this has been.
I have not had as much time to post educational material about the cruise. I will try to write up some posts after I get back to the states to document the methods that we used on the cruise.
Today was a particularly exciting day. My day started with Drs. Jamie Howarth and Phil Barnes (chief scientist). As we started the shift, we got to see a multi-core that had just come aboard the ship. We also got to see a multi-core that had been collected prior to our arrival. Later we saw more MCs.
MCs are particularly revealing because the multi-corer rig is lowered to the sea floor and the cores gently fall into the sediment. An arm then moves into place beneath the core ends and traps the sediment in the core. If all works right, there is a little bit of water above the sediment so that we can collect and observe the sediment water interface. If this happens, we know that we are being able to observe all the sediment that was deposited (and not eroded) in the recent past. I also include a photo of the multi-corer.
In one channel core, we observed a deposit that we interpreted to be a turbidite that was silty sand at the base and fined upwards into a sandy silt. This turbidite was on top of some olive gray very fine sandy silt (the ubiquitous facies of hemipelagic sediment in our cores). Several dm below the turbidite was a second thinner muddy turbidite that we had also seen in other cores at this shallow stratigraphic depth. To note was that there was no oxidized sediment under the sandy turbidite.
In another MC, we found some muddy sediment overlying an oxidized layer of sediment. This ox layer has been observed in other MCs that were further from the earthquake. These ox layers are typically at the surface, unless something rapidly buries them.
Both of these cores appear to have a really young turbidite, possibly deposited "yesterday."
We will continue to collect more cores in an attempt to narrow down some details about this deposit and to increase the number of observations of this deposit.
Needless to say, we have more to say, but we will keep that to ourselves until we have more data and have submitted a paper draft to a journal (in the coming month or so). Today was most exciting and the science crew is very enthused at what we are observing while here on the R/V Tangaroa. This, plus the great views of the sunset as seen in the above photo.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Earthquake Response Cores
Earthquake Response Cores
We think that we just cored a turbidite that was deposited by a turbidity current triggered by the M 7.8 NZ earthquake. We will need to do some radiometric analyses (7Be, 234Th, 210Pb, 137Cs) to test this hypothesis. More later. Attached are some photos. One is a slab collected from a multi-core, up is to the right. There is a dark sandy turbidite that overlies a dark grey mud turbidite. We hypothesize that the dark sandy turbidite is "yesterdays" turbidite. This was collected in a channel setting. The other photo shows a multi core with an orange layer. We hypothesize that this is the surficial oxidized layer that has a muddy turbidite deposited above it. This is from a terrace site, which would have been an over-levee flow, with lower energy (why the ox layer is present; it was eroded in the channel site). The third photo shows the slice of sediment at the top of the ox layer.
There is lots of life here, now dead. Two weeks ago, these organisms were living. Now they are not.
Earthquake Response Cores
We think that we just cored a turbidite that was deposited by a turbidity current triggered by the M 7.8 NZ earthquake. We will need to do some radiometric analyses (7Be, 234Th, 210Pb, 137Cs) to test this hypothesis. More later. Attached are some photos. One is a slab collected from a multi-core, up is to the right. There is a dark sandy turbidite that overlies a dark grey mud turbidite. We hypothesize that the dark sandy turbidite is "yesterdays" turbidite. This was collected in a channel setting. The other photo shows a multi core with an orange layer. We hypothesize that this is the surficial oxidized layer that has a muddy turbidite deposited above it. This is from a terrace site, which would have been an over-levee flow, with lower energy (why the ox layer is present; it was eroded in the channel site). The third photo shows the slice of sediment at the top of the ox layer.
There is lots of life here, now dead. Two weeks ago, these organisms were living. Now they are not.
Wrapping up Cruise and Earthquake Response
Our last day has been dominated by high wind velocities (in excess of 50 knots) and large waves (in excess of 20'?). We had to shut down coring and analytical operations today. Lots of water was making its way on deck. The ship was pitching up to 30 degrees maybe, at least 20. We did describe a core, but nobody got hurt. When my colleague started getting ill ("feeding the fish"), I called it a day. I went up to do some computer work on the data and cores, while the other workers did other things (like take care of themselves or read or sleep, etc.).
While working on the bridge, compiling some core data so that we can prepare some material for the cruise report, I got to work more with Dr. Barnes to develop our strategy for investigating evidence from "yesterday's" earthquake. We will be collecting several Multi-Cores in the region of the earthquake. We will also be collecting some high resolution bathymetric data to look for surface rupture of the fault in the seafloor. GNS has teams preparing to further document the terrestrial evidence for fault rupture, but we will be working offshore. I have prepared a map that shows some of the core locations that we hope to visit in the next couple of days. We will be collecting longer Piston Cores at some of these sites also, to evaluate a longer stratigraphic record. The Multi-Cores are only 60 cm long.
While working on the bridge, compiling some core data so that we can prepare some material for the cruise report, I got to work more with Dr. Barnes to develop our strategy for investigating evidence from "yesterday's" earthquake. We will be collecting several Multi-Cores in the region of the earthquake. We will also be collecting some high resolution bathymetric data to look for surface rupture of the fault in the seafloor. GNS has teams preparing to further document the terrestrial evidence for fault rupture, but we will be working offshore. I have prepared a map that shows some of the core locations that we hope to visit in the next couple of days. We will be collecting longer Piston Cores at some of these sites also, to evaluate a longer stratigraphic record. The Multi-Cores are only 60 cm long.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Caught Up and Planning Ahead
Caught Up and Planning Ahead
Today we were quite successful and described enough cores that we did not need to work after dinner. This gave me a chance to make a map that shows our progress. Also, I include some figures that have been posted on twitter from various sources. As I mentioned before, we plan on collecting some cores in the region near the M 7.8 earthquake in an attempt to find a turbidite that may have been emplaced as a result of strong ground shaking from that earthquake.
Above is my map. The planned core sites are still included. In addition, I have plotted the core sites where we have already collected cores (the red dots). Basically, we have collected cores in all the very high and most of the high priority sites. We are just ahead of schedule. We are lucky to be in this position as there have not been any major obstacles or mechanical catastrophes that sometimes happen. We have not endured a storm too big. We have not had any equipment failures. So, we have basically collected the minimum cores to be able to complete this study. If the ship stops to function tomorrow, we would have plenty of data to build a story.
We do intend to collect more cores on the way back south. These will include additional long cores (up to 6 meters) in high and medium priority sites. We will even collect some cores at low priority sites (we are heading out to the Hikurangi Trough to collect some cores right now, the green dots in the northeastern region of our planned coring area outlined in dashed white). We will also be collecting numerous multi-core cores (these sample the sediment-water interface so that we can develop Holocene depositional models). Data from these cores will help us estimate a latest Holocene hemipelagic sedimentation rate.
We are planning on leaving plenty of time to collect some cores in the southwestern part of our planning region, just offshore of the area that just ruptured multiple faults in the Cook Strait region. It appears that the initial earthquake may have been a thrust event that then triggered slip on several strike-slip fault systems. The USGS has prepared a fault plane solution, but please ignore it. It is vastly oversimplified and does not reflect the geometry of the mapped faults in the region.
I include an inset map from GNS that shows where they have documented surface ruptures from this earthquake series. There are estimates of 8-10 meters of offset on one strike-slip fault and up to 2 meters of uplift along the coast, probably on a thrust fault.
I include an inset map from Tim Wright that uses InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) data to estimate ground deformation. The blue colors represent down or away motion and the red colors represent up or towards motion. It is not possible to distinguish between down from away or between up from towards. The deformation supports the interpretation that this earthquake series is quite complex because of the fault interactions. The GNS team will take some while before they can get their boots on the ground, but we are all very excited to see what they find! I wish that I could extend my stay here a month to help out! (I need to get back to my classes to help them complete the semester)
Caught Up and Planning Ahead
Today we were quite successful and described enough cores that we did not need to work after dinner. This gave me a chance to make a map that shows our progress. Also, I include some figures that have been posted on twitter from various sources. As I mentioned before, we plan on collecting some cores in the region near the M 7.8 earthquake in an attempt to find a turbidite that may have been emplaced as a result of strong ground shaking from that earthquake.
Above is my map. The planned core sites are still included. In addition, I have plotted the core sites where we have already collected cores (the red dots). Basically, we have collected cores in all the very high and most of the high priority sites. We are just ahead of schedule. We are lucky to be in this position as there have not been any major obstacles or mechanical catastrophes that sometimes happen. We have not endured a storm too big. We have not had any equipment failures. So, we have basically collected the minimum cores to be able to complete this study. If the ship stops to function tomorrow, we would have plenty of data to build a story.
We do intend to collect more cores on the way back south. These will include additional long cores (up to 6 meters) in high and medium priority sites. We will even collect some cores at low priority sites (we are heading out to the Hikurangi Trough to collect some cores right now, the green dots in the northeastern region of our planned coring area outlined in dashed white). We will also be collecting numerous multi-core cores (these sample the sediment-water interface so that we can develop Holocene depositional models). Data from these cores will help us estimate a latest Holocene hemipelagic sedimentation rate.
We are planning on leaving plenty of time to collect some cores in the southwestern part of our planning region, just offshore of the area that just ruptured multiple faults in the Cook Strait region. It appears that the initial earthquake may have been a thrust event that then triggered slip on several strike-slip fault systems. The USGS has prepared a fault plane solution, but please ignore it. It is vastly oversimplified and does not reflect the geometry of the mapped faults in the region.
I include an inset map from GNS that shows where they have documented surface ruptures from this earthquake series. There are estimates of 8-10 meters of offset on one strike-slip fault and up to 2 meters of uplift along the coast, probably on a thrust fault.
I include an inset map from Tim Wright that uses InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) data to estimate ground deformation. The blue colors represent down or away motion and the red colors represent up or towards motion. It is not possible to distinguish between down from away or between up from towards. The deformation supports the interpretation that this earthquake series is quite complex because of the fault interactions. The GNS team will take some while before they can get their boots on the ground, but we are all very excited to see what they find! I wish that I could extend my stay here a month to help out! (I need to get back to my classes to help them complete the semester)
Long Day and Deserved Sunset
<H2>Long Day and Deserved Sunset</H2>
<li>Last night was a stormy night with relatively high seas, so we all awakened with a low battery. I had several strange dreams. In one of them, I had a rental car stolen. I kept forgetting to call it in to the police. Eventually, late in the day, I was at the store purchasing some wine. The person selling me the wine asked me for my birthdate. Then they covered up part of the label on the wine bottle and asked me my name (strange dream). I told her my name and she asked me if I had a car stolen. When I said yes, she handed me the phone and I spoke to the police. They asked me which cars I had ever owned, one by one. In another dream I visited a friend Lisa Fitchett (Kato) and she had torn off her entire roof to her house. It was about to rain and all of her belongings were still on the wall (it was her parent's house, somewhere on the side of a mountain). She did not seem to care
that they would all be ruined by the rain. </li>
<li>Needless to say, everyone seemed to be a little tired all day today. There was also a feeling that seemed aligned with the disaster that had just taken place back at home. People chatted about how their family and friends were coping with the earthquake. Tourists were being helicoptered out of the region. I have been hearing some of the details from the geologists responding to this event. They have been on helicopter rides making initial assessments… The estimate from offset roads and the like is that the main strike-slip fault (the Kekerengu fault) ruptured in this earthquake slipped 8-9 meters!!! There have been observations of offsets on at least two other strike-slip faults, as well as inferred offset on a thrust fault that links some of the strike-slip faults. The ruptures are very complex and we will learn a tremendous deal about how faults interact with each other during
earthquakes like this. This is a major offset and the teams will be hitting the ground as soon as the roads open up. The helicopters are too busy helping people to spare any for science (at least, that is what we presume given the time delay on getting their boots on the ground. We are making plans on what we might do to make observations from the ship in relation to this earthquake. We are talking about where to take cores to find a probable turbidite, as well as possibly conducting some high resolution bathymetric surveys to look for fault offsets in the sea floor! This is really exciting!!!</li>
<li>We have continued to collect cores in excellent locations. There have been many turbidites in our cores. Some are sandy and easily seen. These can be identified by color changes as well as textural changes (the background sediment, hemipelagic sediment, is basically mud or "very fine sandy silt;" while these turbidites are sandy or "very fine to very coarse sand"). However, with my experience in Cascadia, Sumatra, and the Lesser Antilles, we have been able to identify some muddy turbidites that are only visible with color changes. Basically, the background hemipelagic sediment is lighter in color (probably due to nano fossil content) and the muddy turbidites are darker in color. Also, the turbidites often have a sharp basal contact, while the hemipelagic sediment has a gradual basal contact. I will try to post some photos of these examples later. </li>
<li>We are collecting X-Ray data while on board the ship. When we compare the X-Ray data with our lithologic logs, there is an excellent match. We have been able to capture most of the turbidites (even the muddy ones). Eventually the cores will be CT-scanned for higher resolution X-Ray data. Also, the cores will have core geophysical data collected (magnetic susceptibility, density, etc.). These additional data sets will be key for further stratigraphic correlation analysis. </li>
<li>These cores that we have collected promise to be excellent candidates to develop an earthquake story for the subduction zone here. This will take several years to be sure… But, we have turbidites, within each core, they appear to have unique structures (important for correlation!). The biggest challenge I see is obtaining sufficient mass of planktonic foraminifera to be able to get radiocarbon ages. Time will tell (pun intended). </li>
<li>Attached to this post is a sunset from tonight, Monique on the left and Jamie on the right. We sure deserved this after all the long days that we have been putting in. Now, it is time to catch up on some rest for another long day tomorrow. I am so lucky to be on this ship. Also, I am so very excited to work with an excellent science and ship's crew. Everyone is top notch. </li>
<li>I also include some other photos from a post from a couple days ago. We are cutting a core in the van in one photo. The piston corer is being recovered onto the ship in another. Jenny is cleaning a cone in one. More photos to come!</li>
Monday, November 14, 2016
<li>We have been a really good team on this ship. Dr. Barnes has done a terrific job preparing for our coring cruise. The geospatial data that he has collected and gained access to over the years is, by far, the most comprehensive and detailed (and of highest resolution) of any submarine data that I have used to plan a coring cruise. He has conducted hydrodynamic modeling to estimate potential flow paths. He has mapped the seafloor geomorphology to determine regions of erosion vs. deposition. There are still a great many unknowns, but having this knowledge in the forefront of the planning process clearly gives one a heads up on being able to select good coring sites. Of course, I only have the ability to recognize this due to the training that I have had, initially from Dr. Chris Goldfinger on my maiden research cruise offshore Sumatra. I have supplemented this experience elsewhere,
along different margins. </li>
<li>We have been traversing the fold and thrust belt / continental slope northwards. As I mentioned before (here or elsewhere), we test the hypothesis that the triggering mechanisms for the turbidity currents that lead to the turbidites that we core are triggered by earthquakes. We use one or more of the following methods as part of this test: (a) confluence tests using turbidite counts above a temporal/stratigraphic datum or correlations and (b) isolated source area tests using correlations. We are coring in various channel systems that have isolated source areas. We are looking in piggyback slope basins, also with (hopefully) isolated source areas. </li>
<li>We hope to find along-margin segments of the Holocene (at least) sedimentary record that are somewhat unique from each other so that we might be able to compare how the earthquake record might vary along strike. In the northern Hikurangi Trough, the subducting plate as abundant seamounts that are affecting the plate interface. In the southern Hikurangi Trough, the downgoing plate is smoother with a thicker sedimentary section (up to 6 km, Barnes p.c.). Generally, we think that this would result in larger magnitude earthquakes in the south and smaller magnitude earthquakes in the north. However, this is still a debated topic in plate tectonics. There are some indications that these two parts of the subduction zone are tectonically different. Wallace et al. (2014) present a paper about tsunami potential and they show that regions of slow slip earthquakes are much further up-dip
(shallower on the subduction zone fault) in the north, than they are in the south (in the figure, the green contours are the slip contours for the slow slip earthquakes). Also, they show a figure that displays the coupling ratio (the proportion of the plate convergence that is accumulated as strain along the fault). I include this figure in this post (red is more highly coupled, blue is less coupled). </li>
<li>I am still navigating how to post to my blog with limited internet access. I am attaching an image to an email that I am using to post to my blog. I also include some html that links to the image that I posted online last week.</li>
<a href=" http://earthjay.com/cruises/2016_new_zealand/literature/wallace_etal_2014_earthquake_tsunami_potential_hikurangi_fig_03.PNG">
<img src=" http://earthjay.com/cruises/2016_new_zealand/literature/wallace_etal_2014_earthquake_tsunami_potential_hikurangi_fig_03.PNG">
<li>Below is the figure caption for the above image (Wallace et al., 2014).</li>
Interseismic coupling coefficients (see red to blue scale) from campaign GPS measurements (Wallace et al., 2012a) and cumulative slip in slow-slip events (SSEs) from 2002–2012 (green contours, labeled in mm; from Wallace et al., 2012b). Dashed green contours show slip in a deep central Hikurangi SSE in 2008 (Wallace and Eberhart-Phillips, 2013). Dashed black contours showing the depth to the subduction interface (in km below sea level) are from Ansell and Bannister (1996), and thus present an earlier version of the interface geometry compared to the more recent one shown in Figure 1 from Williams et al. (2014).
<li>The GPS inversion that Wallace and her colleagues use to infer plate coupling is but a snap shot of a moment in time. We do not know if this represents the long term behavior of the fault nor how it might relate to earthquake recurrence, magnitude, segmentation, etc. It seems reasonable, but coming up with a Holocene earthquake record will be a big contribution to answering this question. </li>
<li>This morning there was a large magnitude earthquake. There is talk here in New Zealand (GNS) that there may be as much as 10 meters of slip along one of the major thrust faults in this region. There have been observations of surface rupture on multiple different faults (some are strike-slip). This is a very interesting earthquake and is quite complicated. Unfortunately two people died, but we are lucky that this earthquake occurred in a relatively sparsely populated area. </li>
<li>Needless to say, we will be modifying our plans slightly to take advantage of being on a research vessel at this moment in time, with a coring crew ready to take cores near the earthquake region. We are currently getting information from GNS (the New Zealand geological survey) and NIWA (the organization that Dr. Barnes is with, who runs the R/V Tangaroa). This information will inform us as to the best way that we might decide where to go and what data to collect. We will be taking cores in the region of today's earthquake. We may also collect some additional bathymetry data. We had some core sites located in this region, but they were a lower priority due to the complications of the geomorphology and faulting in this region. However, given that we just had an earthquake of a size that could trigger submarine landslides (there is an estimate that there are over 100,000 subaerial
landslides), as long as we core in the correct place, we should be able to core a seismoturbidite triggered by this earthquake. </li>
<H2>Science Crew</H2>
Below is a list of the science crew aboard the R/V Tangaroa:
<li>Philip Barnes </li>
<li>Alan Orpin </li>
<li>Peter Gerring </li>
<li>John Mitchell </li>
<li>Will Quinn </li>
<li>Geoffroy Lamarche </li>
<li>Susi Woelz </li>
<li>Jamie Howarth </li>
<li>Jason Patton </li>
<li>Sam Davidson </li>
<li>Simon Banks </li>
<li>Jenni Hopkins </li>
<li>Monique Mckeown </li>
<li>Aratrika Ganguly </li>
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Leaving Port
Here is a photo that belongs to my last post. This is a photo of us leaving the port in Wellington, NZ.
A few days in
<H2>A few days in </H2>
<li>The R/V Tangaroa was constructed in 1991 in Bergen Norway. Below is the plaque that is mounted on the deck near where people board the ship. (I will add the photos when I can. Someone was using the computer that earlier let me attach photos to my blog. For now, I am emailing this post to my blog.</li>
<li>Here is the gangplank shortly before it was hoisted prior to our departure. </li>
<li>Here is the ship's bell, located on the foredeck. One needs to get permission from the bridge to access the foredeck since no science is conducted there. I had permission from Captain Evan. </li>
<li>We had to bring lots of equipment aboard the ship prior to our cruise. Here is a photo of use loading the shipping container that we use as a core curation facility. We split and describe the cores in this container (sometimes called a "van). </li>
<li>Here is the view from the ship as we left port in Wellington. </li>
<li>We started coring in the region of Cook's Strait, the southernmost region of our planned coring sites. This region of the margin is complicated due to high tidal currents in the strait, fluvial input, and a plethora of fault trigger sources. There are many strike-slip faults that trend across the strait, in addition to the megathrust and faults in the accretionary prism. These sites would be important to work out the earthquake story in any trench cores further to the north. </li>
<li>These sites were not very successful due to their short recovered lengths. The R/V Tangaroa was initially designed for a fishing research institution, not for coring. It has since been retrofitted for various other oceanographic research studies, including coring. The coring is conducted along the starboard side of the ship, with a railroad track system. The longest cores that could be collected are 8 meters. It is not easy to take 8 meter cores, so the functionally maximum length is 6 meters. Most of these initial cores were between 1 and 2 meters long. They did not have coarse turbidites, but might have muddy turbidites (that are not visible to the eye and require CT scans to identify). </li>
<li>Here is a photo of Dr. Alan Orpin helping receive the first Piston Core (TAN1613-2) aboard the ship. Note all the safety gear. As for all cruises that I have participated on, safety is the most important thing. Sure, we all want to get the best data and conduct the best science, but that cannot be done when people get hurt. So we follow the strictest safety guidelines at all times while aboard the ship. There is a long list of things that we can and must do and everyone participates in an induction training prior to leaving port. We conduct regular training drills to make sure that everyone is always ready to take action if necessary. The ship's crew is trained for all conceivable situations and they are trained to use the appropriate equipment when necessary. The science crew knows that they must also be ready to help in the event the ship's crew makes that request. Needless
to say, we are very excited to get this first core aboard the ship. I will show photos of what we do with the core later.</li>
<li>The R/V Tangaroa was constructed in 1991 in Bergen Norway. Below is the plaque that is mounted on the deck near where people board the ship. (I will add the photos when I can. Someone was using the computer that earlier let me attach photos to my blog. For now, I am emailing this post to my blog.</li>
<li>Here is the gangplank shortly before it was hoisted prior to our departure. </li>
<li>Here is the ship's bell, located on the foredeck. One needs to get permission from the bridge to access the foredeck since no science is conducted there. I had permission from Captain Evan. </li>
<li>We had to bring lots of equipment aboard the ship prior to our cruise. Here is a photo of use loading the shipping container that we use as a core curation facility. We split and describe the cores in this container (sometimes called a "van). </li>
<li>Here is the view from the ship as we left port in Wellington. </li>
<li>We started coring in the region of Cook's Strait, the southernmost region of our planned coring sites. This region of the margin is complicated due to high tidal currents in the strait, fluvial input, and a plethora of fault trigger sources. There are many strike-slip faults that trend across the strait, in addition to the megathrust and faults in the accretionary prism. These sites would be important to work out the earthquake story in any trench cores further to the north. </li>
<li>These sites were not very successful due to their short recovered lengths. The R/V Tangaroa was initially designed for a fishing research institution, not for coring. It has since been retrofitted for various other oceanographic research studies, including coring. The coring is conducted along the starboard side of the ship, with a railroad track system. The longest cores that could be collected are 8 meters. It is not easy to take 8 meter cores, so the functionally maximum length is 6 meters. Most of these initial cores were between 1 and 2 meters long. They did not have coarse turbidites, but might have muddy turbidites (that are not visible to the eye and require CT scans to identify). </li>
<li>Here is a photo of Dr. Alan Orpin helping receive the first Piston Core (TAN1613-2) aboard the ship. Note all the safety gear. As for all cruises that I have participated on, safety is the most important thing. Sure, we all want to get the best data and conduct the best science, but that cannot be done when people get hurt. So we follow the strictest safety guidelines at all times while aboard the ship. There is a long list of things that we can and must do and everyone participates in an induction training prior to leaving port. We conduct regular training drills to make sure that everyone is always ready to take action if necessary. The ship's crew is trained for all conceivable situations and they are trained to use the appropriate equipment when necessary. The science crew knows that they must also be ready to help in the event the ship's crew makes that request. Needless
to say, we are very excited to get this first core aboard the ship. I will show photos of what we do with the core later.</li>
Thursday, November 10, 2016
2016.11.10 First Core Site
<H2>First Core Site! </H2>
We just collected our first core in the region east of the Cook Strait (to the west of the core sites that I highlighted in the previous blog post). The core is now tied to a vertical post aboard the ship. We need to let these cores sit for 12 hours before that they can be X-Rayed. So, after breakfast in the morning, we will start working on these first cores. The core tip had almost pure clay on the tip, with no forams. The core liner is a translucent plastic and it was evident that there were gaps in the sediment (we will collect a second core here to attempt to get a more full sediment core). The piston core configuration (I will post photos later) includes a weight stand with a mass of about 730 kg. This is a small mass compared to piston cores that I have collected on other ships.
Dr. Jaime Howarth and I will be describing the sediments in the cores. Dr. Jenni Hopkins will be focusing on describing the tephras that we expect to find in the cores that we collect. Dr. Hopkins is a post doc on this cruise (she works on other data too, but will be incorporating results from this cruise into her research). There are two students who will be assisting us in these descriptions, who will be working on MS projects possibly related to the data we collect on this cruise. Drs. Howarth, Hopkins, and myself worked with Dr. Alan Orpin (NIWA) to develop the workflow for the core processing. I will discuss this more later. Suffice it to say, we have a draft plan and will update it as we find opportunities for improvement. We like to stay flexible in this regard.
Later Dr. Howarth and I prepared the lithologic description core sheets. These are paper sheets that have a template in which we write and draw our observations about the sediment cores. I include a low resolution version of this core lithologic log in this post. We incorporated some core log sheet content that I have used aboard other turbidite coring cruises, most recently the cruise in the Lesser Antilles this past summer. We modified these core log sheets to suit the needs of this cruise. We took into mind the interests of the chief scientist (Dr. Phil Barnes) and based our decisions upon the experience we have each had doing this type of work. It is important to spend considerable time designing this form so that it is (1) comprehensive, (2) easy to use (i.e. fill out), and (3) easy to use (i.e. read and interpret later). These core logs will be used for years, if not decades, from
now by people interested in our results. We will scan each core log and eventually prepare digital figure files with these data, along with all other core data.
OK, time to hit the sack. We have lots of work to do tomorrow. The first few cores are often the more time consuming cores to describe and process because we will be test running our workflow for the first time. But, once we have processed and described several cores, we will have a rhythm and these descriptions will be done in a more timely manner.
<H2>First Core Site! </H2>
We just collected our first core in the region east of the Cook Strait (to the west of the core sites that I highlighted in the previous blog post). The core is now tied to a vertical post aboard the ship. We need to let these cores sit for 12 hours before that they can be X-Rayed. So, after breakfast in the morning, we will start working on these first cores. The core tip had almost pure clay on the tip, with no forams. The core liner is a translucent plastic and it was evident that there were gaps in the sediment (we will collect a second core here to attempt to get a more full sediment core). The piston core configuration (I will post photos later) includes a weight stand with a mass of about 730 kg. This is a small mass compared to piston cores that I have collected on other ships.
Dr. Jaime Howarth and I will be describing the sediments in the cores. Dr. Jenni Hopkins will be focusing on describing the tephras that we expect to find in the cores that we collect. Dr. Hopkins is a post doc on this cruise (she works on other data too, but will be incorporating results from this cruise into her research). There are two students who will be assisting us in these descriptions, who will be working on MS projects possibly related to the data we collect on this cruise. Drs. Howarth, Hopkins, and myself worked with Dr. Alan Orpin (NIWA) to develop the workflow for the core processing. I will discuss this more later. Suffice it to say, we have a draft plan and will update it as we find opportunities for improvement. We like to stay flexible in this regard.
Later Dr. Howarth and I prepared the lithologic description core sheets. These are paper sheets that have a template in which we write and draw our observations about the sediment cores. I include a low resolution version of this core lithologic log in this post. We incorporated some core log sheet content that I have used aboard other turbidite coring cruises, most recently the cruise in the Lesser Antilles this past summer. We modified these core log sheets to suit the needs of this cruise. We took into mind the interests of the chief scientist (Dr. Phil Barnes) and based our decisions upon the experience we have each had doing this type of work. It is important to spend considerable time designing this form so that it is (1) comprehensive, (2) easy to use (i.e. fill out), and (3) easy to use (i.e. read and interpret later). These core logs will be used for years, if not decades, from
now by people interested in our results. We will scan each core log and eventually prepare digital figure files with these data, along with all other core data.
OK, time to hit the sack. We have lots of work to do tomorrow. The first few cores are often the more time consuming cores to describe and process because we will be test running our workflow for the first time. But, once we have processed and described several cores, we will have a rhythm and these descriptions will be done in a more timely manner.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Planned First Core Site
- We are moments from leaving the dock. I have put together a map that shows our proposed cores overlain on 250 meter resolution bathymetry data. We will be collecting piston cores (PC) at these sites, with lengths upwards of 5 meters.
- We had our first shipboard meeting at 8 AM this morning. There are 14 scientists aboard. All, but myself, are from New Zealand. Most are from NIWA. There are 4 students aboard, along with one post doc. My shipboard colleagues are providing empathy for me given the recent electoral returns back in the states. Needless to say, there is much being discussed in social media about this. I will focus on the science while aboard the R/V Tangaroa. This is a fine ship with highly competent engineers and other crew.
- Core priority is designated by color (high priority aka "must haves" = red or orange and low priority = green or blue). Our plan is to head northwards along the margin and collect cores in the very high and high priority sites. Once we get to the northernmost region of our planned survey area, we will evaluate what to do next based upon what we have observed to date. We will consider collecting additional cores in our high priority sites if those existing cores were of poor quality or possibly poorly located. We will consider collecting additional cores in med to low priority sites if the spatial coverage will be optimal for our analyses. We will also consider sites to collect multi-core cores (MC).
- MC cores are useful to collect the sediment water interface. PC cores often blow away the surface sediment when the core initially approaches and penetrates the seafloor. Having the sediment/water interface is useful for us to develop a sediment accumulation rate using 210Pb isotopic measurements. Also, the possibility of finding the most recent event will be optimized in the uppermost sediment, most likely to be in a MC.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Getting ready for the cruise!
Getting ready for the cruise!
- We will be heading to sea to search for submarine landslide deposits called turbidites. There are several ways that these landslides can be triggered. Earthquakes are the most common landslide trigger on land and probably also in the submarine environment.
- I have worked on turbidite Paleoseismology cruises offshore of Sumatra, Cascadia, and the Lesser Antilles. These are all places where there is an active subduction zone. I have documented these cruises on my research cruise blog humboldt-jay.blogspot.com. The research offshore of Sumatra was for my Ph.D. dissertation and is ongoing. The coring we conducted offshore of Cascadia was in support of Dr. Chris Goldfinger’s research on the spatiotemporal variation in earthquakes along the Cascadia subduction zone. Recently, we received the Kirk Bryan Award from the Geological Society of America for the USGS Professional Paper 1661-F. This past summer I participated on a French cruise aboard the NO Pourquoi Pas? The principal investigator for this Caribbean cruise was Nathalie Feuillet, from Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) in Paris.
- We will be collecting sediment cores aboard the R/V Tangora, a National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA) research ship. R/V stands for “research vessel.” Here is the website that has information about the R/V Tangora. : www.niwa.co.nz/services/vessels/niwa-vessels/rv-tangaroa
- Below is a map that shows the general region where we plan on taking cores. The principal investigator for this cruise is Dr. Phillip Barnes, from NIWA. Dr. Barnes has done an incredible job planning for this cruise and I outline the general strategy below. As always, we will modify our plan as our experiences during the cruise inform us.
- We will be collecting cores in sedimentary basins along the slope and in channel and other depositional settings along turbidite channel systems in the trench. We will be using classic methods (well, this is a new science, so it is funny to call these classic methods) used by many who look for seismoturbidites. We will be looking for sites that have sources of sediment that are isolated from each other. We are especially interested if these sites extend for distances larger than the length of faults that might be additional sources of ground motions that might trigger submarine landslides. We will also be looking for sites that permit us to apply the confluence test, which also requires sites that have isolated source distances that are sufficiently large.
I include some inset maps that have some other background material.
- In the upper right corner is a map that shows the general plate tectonics of this region. This comes from Mike Norton via Creative Commons. The Pacific plate: Australia plate relative plate motions are shown in orange. Note how the plate motion is increasingly oblique as slip is transferred from the Kermadec-Hikurangi subduction zone systems in the north to the Alpine fault system (via Marlborough) in the south, then again to the subduction zone even further south.
- In the upper left corner shows seismicity as plotted by Wallace, et al. (2009). These are earthquakes from 1990 through December 2007. The figure on the right shows the deeper events with their depth represented by color.
- In the lower right corner is another figure from Wallace et al. (2009). This one shows more detailed fault mapping in the accretionary prism. These are offshore thrust faults that are additional sources of ground shaking for triggering turbidites. It will be important to be able to extend our correlations beyond any individual fault system to be able to link any given correlated turbidite to ground motions from the megathrust. There are also some strike-slip faults that may also confound our analysis, particularly in the southern Hikurangi margin. In this inset is a cross section showing that the accretionary prism is composed on imbricate thrust faults. These are the additional sources of ground shaking that are mapped in plan view on the map (labeled “Forearc domain” in the cross section).
- Here is the plot from Wallace et al. (2009) that shows the seismicity from 1990-2007.
- Here is the map from Wallace et al. (2009) that shows the regional and local tectonics in the Hikurangi Trough.
Here are some of the inset maps on their own, with their original figure captions as blockquotes.
Selected seismicity between January 1990 and December 2007 (inclusive), from the GeoNet database (http://geonet.org.nz). Events shown are only those which were recorded by six or more stations, with nine or more observed phases, with unrestricted location depths, and RMS of arrival time residuals less than 1.0 s. Magnitude range of events shown is 0.29–6.99. (left) Events shallower than 33 km. (right) Events greater than 33-km depth.
Tectonic setting of the Hikurangi margin. Modified from Barnes et al. [2009], copyright 2009, Elsevier. (a) Detailed bathymetry (NIWA), topography, and active faulting (black lines) of the onshore and offshore subduction margin. Dashed contours indicate sediment thickness on lower plate from Lewis et al. [1998]. Bold white dashed line shows the back of the accretionary wedge and the front of a deforming buttress of Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks covered by Miocene to Recent slope basins [from Lewis et al., 1997; Barnes et al., 1998b, 2009]. A–A0 line denotes cross-section location in Figure 1d. Dashed black lines show locations of seismic reflection lines from Figure 4, labeled by line number. White arrow shows Pacific/Australia relative plate motion in the region from Beavan et al. [2002]. Onshore active faults from GNS Science active faults database (http://maps.gns.cri.nz/website/af/). TVZ, Taupo Volcanic Zone; NIDFB, North Island Dextral Fault Belt; LR, approximate location of Lachlan Ridge; KR, approximate location of Kidnappers Ridge. (b) Broader-scale New Zealand tectonic setting. (c) Regional tectonic framework. RI, Raoul Island; NZ, New Zealand; HT, Hikurangi Trough. (d) Interpretive cross section across the strike of the subduction margin. Cross-section location denoted by A–A0 line in Figure 1a.
- Here is a figure that shows our existing knowledge of the historic subduction zone earthquakes for this region (Wallace et al. (2014).
- Here is a figure that shows our existing knowledge of the prehistoric subduction zone earthquakes (Paleoseismology) for this region (Wallace et al. (2014).
Here are some figures that show the historic and prehistoric history of earthquakes in this region, with their original figure captions as blockquotes.
Tectonic setting of the Hikurangi subduction zone at the boundary between the Pacific and Australian Plates. Black contours show the depth to the subduction interface (Williams et al., 2014). Red dots = historical subduction thrust events (all MW < 7.2). Gray dots = continuous GPS sites (http://www.geonet.org.nz). Arrows show convergence rates at the trench in mm yr–1 (Wallace et al., 2012a). PB = 1947 Poverty Bay earthquake. TB = 1947 Tolaga Bay earthquake. WF = Wairarapa Fault, the site of the 1855 earthquake. BL = Big Lagoon. MP = Mahia Peninsula. Black lines onshore are active faults (http://www.data.gns.cri.nz/af). In the forearc, most of these faults are either right lateral strike-slip or reverse. The strike-slip faults help to accommodate the margin-parallel component of relative plate motion.
Map in upper panel shows locations of published Holocene records of coseismic vertical deformation along the Hikurangi Margin. Timeline in lower panel shows the approximate ages and types of impact found at different sites along the margin (note that this is an overview that does not show individual dates and their errors). We use black horizontal lines on the timeline to indicate times when vertical deformation occurs at multiple sites along the margin (summarized in the right panel of the timeline). These lines are also used on the map to indicate the approximate lateral extent of deformation and the strength of evidence for occurrence of a great subduction thrust earthquake. *Site 1: Clark et al. (2011) and Hayward et al. (2010). Site 2: McSaveney et al. (2006). Site 3: Berryman et al. (2011). Site 4: Hayward et al. (2006). Sites 5 and 6: Cochran et al. (2006). Site 7: Berryman (1993). Site 8: Wilson et al. (2006).
- Wallace et al., 2009. Characterizing the seismogenic zone of a major plate boundary subduction thrust: Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10, Q10006, doi:10.1029/2009GC002610
- Wallace, L.M., U.A. Cochran, W.L. Power, and K.J. Clark. 2014. Earthquake and tsunami potential of the Hikurangi subduction thrust, New Zealand: Insights from paleoseismology, GPS, and tsunami modeling. Oceanography 27(2):104–117, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.46.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
test with image
Leaving for New Zealand later today. Here is a map that shows the
tectonics of the region.
Jay P.
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tectonics of the region.
Jay P.
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Sunday, June 19, 2016
Leg 1: Success
The official CASEIS Cruise Blog is located here: http://www.ipgp.fr/caseis This official blog is written by my shift-mate Lola Johannes.
Leg 1 Comes to an End on 2016/06/20; Leg 2 begins 2016/06/21
- We are preparing to core our final cores here on the bridge. From the left are Jean Marie, Dr. Feuillet, Theo (the engineer controlling the ship at the bridge), and Dr. Leclerc. We have an upcoming paper plane competition and Nathalie has two prototypes in her hands. Awards will be based upon overall points, longest flight, best design, and most acrobatics.
- Dr. Christian Beck presented material on sedimentation in a marine setting. He discussed the various inputs, different depositional processes, and the deposits that we have observed in the cores during leg 1 of this cruise.
- What was almost our last piston core for leg 1 returned to the ship in the shape of a pretzel. The core did not penetrate much into the seafloor, so bended to absorb the force of the weight stand.
- Here the 8P-12A shift cuts this core CAS16-28PC. From left to right, Olivia, Artur, and Eva. The sediment at the top and base of the core was 99% organic matter (partially decomposed woody debris. I strongly advocated for a box core at this site. We did not know what was in the PC core (only 1 meter long) and a box core could be used to establish (1) depositional rates here and (2) whether recent seismicity was recorded at this location.
- Here Artur and Eva clean and label this core.
- Dr. Feuillet and the captain discuss her stereo microscopic observations of the organic woody debris.
- The location of this and the box core CAS16-29BC are at the middle of the red line in the map below. Color represents depth and the color scale on the right shows red = shallow and blue = deep. The blue areas are in the trench. The green/orange areas are (1) on the left, the accretionary prism and (2) on the right, the Barracuda ridge (associated to a fracture zone and likely controls segmentation of the subduction zone).
- Here is a view of the seafloor surface as collected in the box core CAS16-29PC. The surface is an oxidized red-brown clay.
- Here Marie and Dr. Ratzov watch Dr. Beck insert one of the sub-sampling cores into the box core. We drilled holes into the pipe and are using a threaded rod as a handle to insert the pipe.
- This is an exposure of 29BC. Quentin D. is pleased that this core contains interesting stratigraphy. The base is a grey-green clay. As we remove sediment so that we can collect the sub-sample cores, we learn more about the stratigraphy.
- This is a close up view of the core after we removed some sediment. This is a great way to see the stratigraphy. There are reddish brown layers and these layers appear to have a high organic content. The CT data from these cores will be very interesting. We do not see any turbidites here, but muddy turbidites are difficult to see with the naked eye. There are some parts of the stratigraphy that appear to not be laminated like the reddish brown layers.
- We moved the ship to a nearby location to take another piston core. Here the engineers change the core position from horizontal to vertical.
- Here Theo and Martin discuss the ship’s operations as we conduct seismic surveys for the remaining of leg 1.
- Here is a compilation map showing the location of all our cores locations cored on leg 1 of CASEIS.
June 19, 2016
Saturday, June 18, 2016
T-shirt and Logo Design Competition
The official CASEIS Cruise Blog is located here: http://www.ipgp.fr/caseis This official blog is written by my shift-mate Lola Johannes.
- I have prepared a t-shirt and logo design as part of a competition. I first was told that there was a t-shirt design competition, so I spent an hour or so putting together a design. Later I learned that the competition was for a logo, not a t-shirt. I just reconfigured the shirt design into a smaller logo design. Stay tuned for the results from the competition.
June 17, 2016
T-Shirt Design
Logo Design
Friday, June 17, 2016
Seismic Reflection and Mulitbeam Sonar Bathymetry
The official CASEIS Cruise Blog is located here: http://www.ipgp.fr/caseis This official blog is written by my shift-mate Lola Johannes.
Site Selection with Sunsets and Sunrises
- We are collecting both shallow sub-bottom CHIRP seismic reflection data as well as deeper streamer seismic reflection data. The CHIRP data (the lower image below) tells us what sediments we might be able to core, how deep we could core, and the relative material properties of those sediments. If the sediments are too sandy or stiff, we cannot core as deeply into those sediments. Otherwise, the core will either (1) hit the stiff sediments before being fully embedded into them, causing the core barrel to bend or (2) get stuck in the sediments causing a large tension on the cable when being pulled out. So far on this cruise, we have had a minor core barrel bend and also have had a core stuck. The deeper seismic data help us interpret the relative age of the sediments observed in the CHIRP data. If the potential coring location has been a depocenter for a long time (a place where sediments pile up, like a sedimentary basin), then we will see these sediments in the deeper seismic data. The upper image below is the streamer seismic data in the same general region as the CHIRP data. We see that this sedimentary basin is a long lived depocenter (at least into the Pleistocene (up to 2.56 Ma), perhaps even longer).
- There are three wires trailing the ship for this streamer seismic survey (they are the “Streamers”). This photo shows the center streamer as a white cable leaving the stern of the ship. On the starboard and port sides, there are two more streamers. One may observe the white circles of bubbles formed when a sound waves are projected to the seafloor.
- Here Dr. Beck is using the acquired multibeam sonar bathymetry data to help us locate a good coring site. The blue represents deeper water and yellow represents shallower water.
- This is another beautiful sunset to a very successful work day.
- Here are, from left to right, Dr. Feuillet, Chloe, and Lola.
- Here are Quentin #1 and Olivia.
- And then another beautiful sunrise to begin the next day. The lucky part about our shift is that on one shift we see the sunrise (4-8 AM) and on the other shift, we see the sunset (4-8 PM).
- Here are, from left to right, Quentin #1, Gaelle, Marie, and Quentin #2.
June 15, 2016
June 16, 2016
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